So RIM have finally launched a proper smartphone, way behind the other big players. So far behind, in fact, that they would need something revolutionary to make anyone stand up and take notice.
I see a lot of bums on seats.
What RIM appear to have presented to the world is a below-par iPhone that multi-tasks well. From accounts (I haven’t held one myself yet), the biggest selling point is the ability to switch between apps easily without closing them down. Not exactly the revolutionary selling point some had hoped for.
One nice feature is the ability to gather email, social media and messages together in one feed. At least, until you think about it. BlackBerry made their name as the business model leader. Do you really want your work emails mixed with an update on Auntie Betty’s ill cat and photos of what cousin Danny got up to on Saturday night? Thought not.
I need to look into the device in more detail, but first impressions suggest a second tier device that may struggle to match Microsoft’s attempts at a Smartphone, never mind taking the fight to the big two.
Time will tell, but could this be RIM’s last hurrah?